Thursday, March 01, 2007

Blogging to blot off stress

Laura(CFS Squared) had describe an email from e-how as a "divine intervention" her post about stress and CFS.

"Divine intervention"-I can fully understand her choice of words. My take about being a patient who face fatigue as an enemy is you get less energy than other "normal beings", but tiredness seems to be generating more stress for you!

Fatigue--> Events which generate stress---> More fatigue, less energy to deal with stress--> More events which generate stress---->....

It is a vicious cycle.

I think blogging help to blot off some stress,

As I commented in Laura's site, by blogging:

1) you have to crystallize your thoughts/emotions of the day, and try to put in down in words. A nice, calming self-reflection activity to calm frayed nerves.

2) You can read your old posts, and note down what stressed you, and what had helped. Often, kind souls will also pass by your blog to give you encouragements.

In addition,

3) When everyone is tired of listening about how tired you are, your blog does not complain at all.

4) I came home tired-physically, and tired of trying so hard to control my tears because of the crap i get at work. Yet when I turn on my laptop, read others' blogs and then try to put down my own entry, I have calmed down.

5) Sometimes, I also find myself rereading my post again and again (thanks to the fog-loads of errors!), to correct my spelling and grammatical mistake, and sometimes trying to "shape up" the plot. Of course, it was a night mare when my fogs first started and I had to read the horrible mistakes. Now, this process is almost therapeutic sometimes. Strange, isnt it? Probably it is all part of the coping process.

That is all I can manage today. I am totally tired.

I have a totally bad day.

At work, I have been picked on because I happened to do something better than a healthy young man, and this guy just could not accept, and gave me hell. He is one of those super ambitious type. I suppose "losing" to a sick woman who works part time is too much to his ego.

Sigh. Damn it if you do well, damn it if you don't when you a chronically ill. When I look at the situation, I am not sure I would like to "sympathize" the poor guy or myself. Who had it worse? A bright young man who saw everything as a competition and found himself "losing" to a sickie, or a sickie who gets the crap on after putting in every nanowatt of energy in her work.

I just have to remind myself that I have done well, and "normal" sensible people will be happy for me to do well. Or is it?

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